Thursday 16 May 2019


 Why I'll NEVER use TripAdvisor...


The following is an update to a petition I signed recently for

16 May 2019 — 

Yesterday, supporters of this petition protested outside of TripAdvisor’s New York offices to tell them they need to listen to survivors of sexual assault. Protesters were holding printed excerpts from reviews described sexual assaults at businesses on TripAdvisor’s platform.

Passersby were shocked as they read the review excerpts and stopped to ask how TripAdvisor could let these businesses continue to have 4 and 5 star ratings on their site. representatives asked several times for someone from TripAdvisor to come down and accept our 530,000+ petition signatures, but they refused, as you can see in the video above.
TripAdvisor is still failing survivors. The updates that the company rolled out on Tuesday would not have changed my experience of trying to report my rape on TripAdvisor. Until the company makes a commitment to supporting survivors in their effort to warn other travelers, TripAdvisor users still won’t have all the information they need to book travel safely.
It’s time TripAdvisor really, truly listened to what survivors are asking for, and made their platform safe for us to warn others about dangerous businesses.
A huge thank you to the supporters who showed up yesterday. You helped raise the voices of survivors whose stories have been buried on TripAdvisor for too long.

Click here for the video mentioned in the article